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The Logistics Behind Planning a Heliboarding Adventure

For seasoned backcountry riders, heliboarding is the pinnacle of powder pilgrimages. But the logistics behind reaching remote, helicopter-accessed-only terrain require extensive planning. Choosing trusted guides, preparing fitness and gear, and selecting prime destinations all make for a smooth adventure. With careful preparation, you will be ready to step onto the helicopter and realize the dream of fresh tracks in faraway places. 

Choosing the Perfect Guiding Company

The first bit decision to make is choosing a reputable guiding company that aligns with your goals and risk tolerance. Look for experienced operators with longevity who have refined their systems and know their terrain intimately after years in the mountains. Quality guides will focus on safety, fun and memorable experiences rather than trying to cut corners. 

Building Endurance and Strength  

Heliboarding requires a high level of fitness to handle successive the days at altitude and in variable snow conditions. Try to start training 4-6 months beforehand to improve overall strength, balance, stamina, and cardiovascular endurance. Increase your cardio capacity through regular aerobic activities like hiking, biking, running, swimming, and rowing.

You should incorporate slide boarding, resistance training, core work and balance exercises to mimic the moves and muscles used while riding; improve leg strength with weighted squats, lunges, and leg presses. On the snow, load up your legs with high-volume lap days in varied conditions, and spending time at high altitude before the trip further primes the body by boosting red blood cell production. 

Assembling the Right Gear

Having the proper gear enhances safety, capability, and comfort during a heliboarding adventure. For boards, a quality wide alpine snowboard with metal edges provides responsive control in variable conditions. A split board lets you tour beyond helicopter-accessed lines if you so wish. Collapsible trekking poles easily tuck away during chopper rides.

For skiers, high-performance all-mountain or free-ride skis with walk mode bindings are best for diverse terrain. Lightweight skins help with uphill traction when touring beyond helicopter drops. Pick jackets, layers and packs designed for backcountry use. Don’t forget key safety items like an avalanche beacon, probe, shovel and repair kit as well. 

Picking Dream Destinations

Selecting the optimal destination is an exciting part of the planning process when organizing a heliboarding adventure. British Columbia, Alaska, the European Alps, and the Andes all offer phenomenal terrain and different attributes. Weigh up factors like average annual snowfall, quality of snow, vertical rise, peak elevations, types of terrain and side country access when choosing your location.

For seemingly endless corkscrewing spines and big mountain lines, consider Alaska’s Chugach range outside Valdez. For incredibly high alpine steeps and huge vertical, the Alps allure, especially around Chamonix. For abundant maritime powder and incredible variety, coastal British Columbia is hard to top. South America’s Andes provide rare summer Chile heliboarding options as well as a mix of culture. According to the folk at Andes Heliboarding (more info), each zone promises a trip of a lifetime if you align destination attributes with your wish list.

Streamlining Logistics 

To keep things smooth once on location, prepare visa/passport needs, airport transfers, lodging, rentals and other arrangements through your chosen guiding outfitter if possible. Reputable guides will get you to the helipad each morning ready to maximize time riding. Tracking group supplies, gear prep, weather variables and logistics is the guide team’s responsibility.


With smart preparation, trusted guides and a stellar destination, heliboarding delivers on its promise of extraordinarily remote, pristine terrain in diverse locales worldwide. Careful planning removes hassles, so every moment goes toward chasing those dream lines visualized for years. Your efforts will be rewarded with ethereal descents and memories to last a lifetime once you get up, up and away into the wild.

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